
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Kansas City Trip

Good News Everybody,

I am finally able to post some images from our trip to Kansas City for Spectrum Live. We decided to drive, which was long but worth it. On the way, we passed through Beaver Creek, CO and I found a wonderful gallery to represent my artwork. It is called Paderewski Fine Art.

This is a wall in the gallery with a few of my paintings.

I spent the beginning of the week exploring Kansas City, while Tyler was in an amazing workshop by Greg Spalenka called "Artist as Brand". Kansas City was beautiful and full of fantastic architecture and museums.

Spectrum Live was life changing. Not only did we get to listen to lectures by renowned fantasy artists, but we also were able to meet them. And better yet they were all super nice.

This is Tyler and I with Paul Tobin and Ben Wootten. They were at the convention promoting their own artwork in the book "White Cloud Worlds". Awesome book! We had to buy one. Paul and Ben were nice enough to each do a drawing in it. I did have a bit of a fangirl moment when I meet them though, they both worked on the Lord of the Rings Trilogy at Weta Workshops.

They also had original Jeffery Cathrine Jones paintings at the convention.

And they brought in the "Tumbler" from the newest Batman Movie.
We were able to meet Greg Manchess, Mike Mignola, James Gurney, and William Stout who all signed my sketchbook and did little drawings as well. We also meet Jon Foster, Brom, Paul Bonner, Julie Bell, Boris Vallejo, Android Jones, Scott Gustafson, Brynn Metheney, Omar Rayyan, and many many more.
All in all, it was a great trip and a nice start to the summer.


Tonia said...

Awesome trip! I might have had a little fan moment with some of them and I'm not even totally sure of who they are!

Laura Wegkamp said...

Very cool! Such an awesome experience! And good job picking up another gallery.