
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Religious Art Contest

"The Divine Calling" 24" x 12"

Good News Everyone,

I recently entered this painting in a religious art contest. The theme for the show was "Make Known His Good Works". In the entry form, artists were only allowed to write 1400 characters. Below is the short version exampling this painting...

"In this life, we are all given callings in which to further the Work of the Lord. Many are called to serve in the Church; however, we all have the divine calling of holding the Priesthood or Motherhood, which is the most important calling women have in this life.

I wanted to portray motherhood through the example of Mary. She was called to be the earthly mother of the divine Savior. It was important to show Mary at an earlier time in her pregnancy. We know almost nothing of what she felt or thought during those 9 months, but one must think she had the same worries and concerns that new mothers had throughout history. Hers’ must have been intensified, knowing who her child would be.

I have included several symbols to further imply the theme “Make Known His Wonderful Works”.
1. The colors portray the glory of God (Yellow), the purity of Mary and Child (White), and royal nature of the Savior (Blue).
2. The Star of David symbolizes the Savior’s linage and genealogy.
3. The curved rays of stars represent the light of Christ.
4. The ring of stars Mary is sitting upon. Starting from the top middle star, there are 7 stars with rays to represent the Creation. The 3 stars without rays symbolize the Godhead. The last 2 circles represent Heavenly Father and Jesus appearing to Joseph Smith and the Restoration. The circles are blank to show the eternal nature of God and His Son."

P.S. Thanks to my sister-in-law, who is an awesome model!


Beals and Abbate Fine Art said...

Great painting with so much meaning. It's amazing to think of God's creations and here you are creating... keep it up.

Tonia said...

So cool to see it! I was wondering what you had decided to do when I heard you talking about it up in Utah. Love the finished product!

Clynn'sKathy said...


This is absolutely gorgeous. You have captured a very tender feeling. Don't know if you ever get around to reading comments made recently on older posts (I often find myself reading posts weeks or months after they are made), but I did want to comment on this one. It's been awhile since I've visited your blog; hadn't realized it had been so long until after our visit. It was good to see you.