
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Over a Year in the Making

Hello Everybody,

These three paintings have been in the making for over a year. Well. . . more or less. Really, the idea for them come to me last summer and then I had to wait for the canvas'. Each one of this were inspired by an old sign in the Salt Lake City.

After I started painting on them in the fall I wasn't pleased with how they were turning out. The colors were all wrong, so I set them aside and became so busy with my Sundance Show I didn't get back to them.

About a month ago, I pick them back up and began to redo all of the colors. To most the colors will not seem that different, part of that is do to the camera; however, the smallest change in one color can change the entire piece.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I know that Snelgrove sign!